ERVs Offer a
A Breath of Fresh Air
As we strive to make our houses as efficient as possible, we do things like install new windows and doors to make them more airtight.
As a result, we can actually unintentionally make the air stagnant and trap indoor pollutants in the home. Our goal is to intentionally ensure your house is as tight as possible while ventilating the house with outside air. We do this through whole house ventilating dehumidifiers like Venmar’s Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) or Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV).
Why Choose an Energy Recovery Ventilator?
An ERV system fits in colder climates, in the homes where there is no excess moisture in heating season, as well as for homes located in warmer climates where the outside humidity level is high.
As for the HRV system, the ERV system recovers heat; however, it also recuperates the energy trapped in moisture, which greatly improves the overall recovery efficiency.
In air conditioned homes, when it is more humid outside than inside, the ERV system limits the amount of moisture coming into your home. In humidified homes, when the humidity level is low in winter, the ERV system limits the amount of moisture expelled from your home.
Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) Heating Season
Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) Cooling Season